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Adding a Next.js Image Carousel

How to Add a Next.js Image Carousel to Your Website

If you're on the lookout for a Next.js image carousel, then we'll be taking a look at Lightbox.js in this guide, which is a React lightbox that supports server-side rendering frameworks such as Next.js and Gatsby.

Building a Next.js image carousel doesn't have to be difficult, as you could make use of a pre-built solution such as Lightbox.js to help cut down on development time and costs.

This lightbox comes with a whole suite of features including image zooming, mobile support, slideshow functionality, as well as theming & customization options. Users can swipe through the carousel using mobile getsures such as drag-to-swipe or by using the arrows provided.

How It Can Be Used

There are lots of potential use cases for this library, including eCommerce sites, personal websites and so much more. For instance, if you have a Next.js blog and want users to be able to zoom into blog photos, then a lightbox would be useful in this regard.

Image zooming is a crucial feature that should be included in eCommerce lightboxes, so if you're looking for a Next.js lightbox that supports image zooming along with mobile support, then be sure to consider Lightbox.js!

Be sure to check out the Demos page to discover the various examples that make use of the library.

How to Add A Next.js Photo Carousel to Your Project

To get started with integrating this lightbox into your Next.js site, simply purchase a license key through our pricing page and then visit the documentation to discover how quick and easy it is to add to your site.

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